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作者:来源: 阅读次数:日期:2019-02-28


讲座主题:The Value of PollutionInformation: Evidence from China’s Air Quality Disclosure




嘉宾简介:李善军本科毕业于南开大学国际经济系,2007年在美国杜克大学取得经济学博士学位。现为康奈尔大学商学院肯尼斯·罗宾逊讲席教授,康奈尔大学中国经济研究所主任,和美国国民经济研究局(NBER) 研究员。同时担任环境与能源领域的著名智库未来资源研究所 (RFF) 的客座研究员。研究领域包括环境与能源经济学,产业组织和中国经济问题,担任环境与资源经济学领域国际顶级期刊 Journal of The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists的共同主编, Journal ofEnvironmental Economics and Management, Journal of Urban Economics, China Economic Review 的编委会成员。

内容摘要:We study the 2013 seachange in pollution information availability when China rolled out a nationalpollution monitoring network in three waves to disclose real-time air qualityin more than 300 cities. We document a surge in media mention as well ascitizens’ interest in pollution topics. We then show how short- and long-runavoidance behavior change with better information. First, we use detailedpoint-of-sale (POS) credit and debit card transaction data to show that highoutdoor pollution suppresses daily purchase trips, much more so when the publicgained access to information. Second, the spatial variation in pollution levelseither across cities or across communities within a city is better reflected inhousing prices post disclosure. Finally, we use national disease surveillancedata to show that the correspondence between air pollution exposure andmortality rate weakens post disclosure. The estimates from our analysis suggestthat the information program has reduced premature deaths attributable to airpollution exposure by nearly 9%.

上一条:【72886必赢网站“龙马经济学双周学术论坛”】2019年春季学期第三讲: 梁平汉

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