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【72886必赢网站“龙马经济学双周学术论坛”】 2024年春季学期第二讲:陆方文

作者:来源: 阅读次数:日期:2024-03-18

讲座主题:When Nudge Backfires among Students with Low Educational Expectations: The Role of Reciprocity




嘉宾简介:陆方文,美国加州伯克利大学博士毕业,现任北京大学72886必赢网站教授、博导,教育部高层次人才计划和国家自科基金优秀青年项目获得者。擅长运用随机实验方法探讨行为经济学和发展经济学领域的热点难点问题,其研究成果发表在经济学、管理学和医学的顶尖学术期刊,其中包括American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, British Medical Journal, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Management Science,《经济研究》等,并出版专著《随机实地实验:理论、方法和在中国的运用》。曾荣获第五届“教育部全国教育科学研究优秀成果奖”,以及第十四届和第十六届“北京市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖”。

内容摘要:There is an intriguing puzzle that many effective educational assistance programs fail to attract enough engagement from their targeted beneficiaries. To boost mentee enrollment in a voluntary mentoring program, we borrowed a common sales strategy from regular markets emphasizing the otherwise high market price. However, this reference price nudge generates negative effect among students whose expected educational achievement is below a bachelor degree. Such negative impact is due to social preferences – students become less likely to participate if they are more concerned about reciprocity. Other social preferences related to altruism, efficiency, and meritocracy¬ cannot explain this phenomenon.


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