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张琼:Measuring Market Concentration in China: TheProblem with Using Censored Data and Its Rectification

作者:来源: 阅读次数:日期:2015-05-26

论文名称:Measuring Market Concentration in China: TheProblem with Using Censored Data and Its Rectification

发表刊物:China Economic Review, 30 (2014): 432-447


论文作者:Chong-En Bai, Jie Mao, Qiong Zhang(通讯作者)


This paper utilizes the non-linear estimationmethod to simulate the Zipf distribution, and constructs an alternative measureof Hirschman–Herfindahl index (HHI), in order to reveal thereal changes in monopoly of China's industrial markets. Based on the annualwaves of the Chinese Industrial Enterprises Database between 1998 and 2009, itfinds that: 1) systematic bias of deceptive declining concentration would bevery easy to appear when directly using censored survey data with someinvariant threshold; 2) with method in this article, an alternative measure ofChina's market concentration (namely, the estimated Zipfian parameter) can beproduced to better depict monopoly trend, even though small firms are censoredout in the market surveys and commonly used HHI cannot avoid such systematic bias;and 3) China actually experiences much less competition improvement or monopolyreduction in many industries during this period 

上一条:张琼:Effects of pharmaceutical price regulation:China's evidence between 1997 and 2008
下一条:张琼:An exploration of China’s mortality decline under Mao: A provincial analysis, 1950–80

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